Online Photo Galleries

An online Photo Gallery provides you with a simple and effective way to manage and display a large number of photos. Individual photo galleries may be accessed from different parts of your website, or collected within one "Galleries" page.

Our Photo Gallery component gives you control over all the important options. Using a back-end database accessed through a secure login, you can easily and quickly create or delete galleries, and upload, delete, and re-arrange your images. The component automatically creates re-sized versions of your images for display on the website.

Online Video Galleries

Video is a compelling way to capture the interest of your viewers and it's easier than ever to have it "stream" from your website. Simply upload your video to YouTube and add the embed code link to the database via your Drupal admin interface (sounds complicated but it's not). Press "load" and the video is added to your website. AND, although the video is displayed on your website, the video is hosted on YouTube. SO easy, and SO effective!

Whether your video shows a salmon going into the net, a spirited dance performance or a narrative explaining an installation procedure, video tells the story in a captivating way. Use online video galleries to your advantage!


If you are thinking of a new web or print project or simply want to speak to someone about a new business venture and the marketing opportunities we can offer, then complete the brief form and one of our Project Managers will contact you.